Origin and Definition of Bank


Characteristics of banker
Origin and Characteristics of Bank

Origin and Definition of Bank or Banker:
The English term ‘Bank’ is derived from
  • ·         The Italian word 'Banco'
  • ·         The Latin word 'Bancus'
  • ·         The French word 'Banque'

Which means a 'BENCH' used as a counter for banking activities.
In England, Money lenders used to exhibit coins of different denominations of different countries on benches installed in market places. They transacted money lending and money changing activities.
The German word 'Banck' means a common fund or joint stock fund raised from the public.
German view seems more correct as the term bank is generally associated with an institution dealing in heaps of money or bundles of money raised from the public.

Definition of Bank, Banker or Banking Company:
As per Section 3 of the Indian Negotiable Instrument Act. 1881, the term 'Bank' may be defined
as "any individual. Partnership firm, corporation or company which transacts the Business of Banking in India".

'Business of banking' is the composite of two terms. 'Business' and 'Banking',
Business means the state of being busy in one type of activity or the other.
 Section 85 of the Indian Banking Regulation Act, 1949 defines the term 'Banking' as accepting for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public. 'Repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawals by cheque, draft, order or otherwise'.

In the light of the above definition, the following activities of banking can be summed up.
 1)     Accepting of deposits of money for the purpose of lending or investment.
  2)    The deposits accepted are repayable on demand or after expiry of the period of deposit.
  3)    The demand is to be made in the form of cheque, draft, withdrawal slips, etc.

   John Paget's Definition:
According to Sir John Paget, ''No one and nobody, Corporate or otherwise can be a banker who does not:
 1)     Take deposit accounts
  2)    Take current accounts
  3)    Issue and pay cheques drawn on himself &
  4)    Collect cheque for his customers''.

Banks and other Financial Institutions:
It is important to remember that banks do accept deposits, but all those who accept deposits are not bankers.
Banks do lend and invest money, but all those who lend and invest money are not bankers.

Eminent authority on banking Mr.H.P.Sheldon clarifies that 'the function of accepting deposits from customers and repaying them on demand by honouring the customers’ cheques is the chief function which distinguishes a bank from other financial institutions (like S.F.C.,  I.F.C., I.D.B.I., etc., )

Characteristics of a Banker:

   1)     Receipt of different types of deposits.
   2)    Payment of customers’ cheques.
   3)    Lending and investing the money.
   4)    Collection of cheques from the paying banker.
   5)    The word 'bank' must be used as a part of the name of the bank e.g., S.B.I, S B.H.,  Canara    Bank, Corporation Bank, Krishna Grameena Bank, State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd
   6)    Banking should be the main business, not subsidiary one.

As per Section 8 of the Indian Banking Regulation Act, 1949 Banks may also sell the goods or shares or any property given by the borrower as cover for loan.
 Such selling activity is done only in the event of borrower's default to pay the debt due to the bank.

Points Covered:
  • ·         Origin of banker
  • ·         Meaning of banker
  • ·         Definition of banker
  • ·         Banks and other financial institutions
  • ·         Characteristics of a banker

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