Introduction and origin of Auditing


Introduction to Auditing:

“Auditing is an important professional task carrying heavy responsibility and calling for commensurate skill and judgment”.

Confidence!  Confidence!!  Confidence!!! ,.
Where is confidence? What is confidence? How it appears? Was it there any time? The answer to all these questions is YES. It was there before human civilization.
But, gradually as the human civilization started growing, proportionately the degree of confidence started declining; now it is almost disappearing. So, today we talk that, confidence building is the need of hour.
During subsisting life when there was no trade, even during early period of human civilization when there was slow growth of trade and commerce there was no need of auditing.
It is the period when partnership firm started; company form of business came into existence, the ownership and the management was separated from one another, the question of ensuing proper use of owner’s capital gave scope for checking and confirming the proper application of share capital.  

Today auditing is a specialized function having complex legal, ethical and economic implications. The auditors, as independent professionals, lend credibility to the financial statements of organizations in which millions of people have stake either individually or through the state.
The auditor, therefore, has come to enjoy a distinctive professional status in society. This blog attempts to discuss the basic concepts.

Origin of Audit:

               Origin of the concept of audit can be traced to historical records of Greek and Roman empires. Checking of receipts and payments was found with Greek empires. In the ancient times audit was confined to only public accounts.
               In the ancient times when trade and commerce was carried by proprietors, there was no need of checking the work of proprietors themselves. The advent of trade commerce and industry and resulted in introduction of ownership and management necessitated the introduction of the concept of audit. The experts in accounting were asked to hear the accounting records and to express their opinion on the correctness of accounting.


The practice of hearing the accounting and expressing their opinion is known as auditing.


The persons who were asked to express their expert opinion on accounts of business were called as auditors.

               In the initial stages the concept of audit was confined to cash audit. The auditors were asked to examine and report on correct accounting of business.
Professional audit emerged along with advent of Industrial Revolution in 18th century. British Companies Act 1862 recognized the professional audit for first time.
Detection of errors and frauds was the primary object of auditing.  
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales was incorporated under the Royal Charter on 11th May 1880 with the object of developing professional auditors.
In the year 1900 USA introduced the professional auditing with primary object of detection of errors and frauds.
At the later stage the primary object of detecting errors was shifted to the second place and primary place of importance was given to ascertain the correctness of the financial conditions of business.

The concept of audit in the modern profession has changed from original object of detecting errors to the philosophy of confirming the authenticity, reliability and acceptability of accounting and reporting system of the business performance.

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