Scientific management


The management is grateful to 20th century for its contribution of scientific management. The wave of organised thinking to the improvement of management performance collectively called scientific management. The mathematicians, sociologist, engineers of pre-scientific period too had contributed to the growth of management. But the practical impact on the organisational improvement was too less.
Therefore, it is said that the Industrial Revolution was for 19th century and scientific management was for 20th century.


 Impact of Industrial Revolution on the economic life of human being emphasised the faster and better methods of production with efficiency. This facilitated to meet the increased demand for products all over the world market.
Because, the scientific management stressed on the ideas such as analysis, planning and control, efficiency, standardisation, simplification, time and motion study, division of work, labour etc..


The 20th century had contributors like F.W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, F.B. Gilbreth, Gantt. Emerson to the ideas of scientific management.

The term scientific management in simple words means managing scientifically. It is possible with implantation of principles of science to the art of management. The work is performed on the scientific lines to achieve higher results with less effort. The efforts of workers are rewarded on the basis of the level of efficiency. 
The functions are performed under the supervision and guidance of functional experts.

The ideology of scientific management has the following features-
1. Principles of science are applied to the art of management.
2. Work is analysed and assigned based on the specialization
3. The reward is based on efficiency of worker
4. The special studies relating to time, motion and fatigue are conducted to improve the work.
5. The work force is selected, trained, promoted and evaluated on scientific procedures.
6. High returns with less effort are constantly planned.
The ideology of all scientific thinkers can be summarized as the principles of scientific management. These are contributed by Tosi and Carroll in their book entitled 'Management'.

1. Inefficient practices - In the opinion of most of the scientific thinkers, the current practices were carried on in most unscientific and inefficient management style. It was the root cause for the thinkers to search newer ways and improvement upon rude and traditional practices.

2. Adoption of scientific methods - The application of scientific methods was the main thrust area of thinkers. The scientific methods suggest that the business problems must be solved the basis of research rather than relying on experiences.
The organisation should evaluate different alternatives. Compare systematically and objectivity and finally select the best. They never believed the presence of 'one best way' for all the problems at all the times. Every time, the Best is changing because of alternatives.

3. Practice specializations- All jobs cannot be and equally performed by an individual. One cannot possess all the traits, skills needed to perform the various jobs. The basic idea behind this is division of labour. The entire work of an organisation should be divided among the specialist in a particular area.
The planners should be separated from performers. At a time person has to either plan a work or work on a plan. The concept introduced by them is 'Functional Foremanship’. There should be experts in a specific job. They believed that one can perform 'best' with one job at a time.

4. Planning and Scheduling - The total work should have a plan with time factor. The work is to be divided into smaller job, and each job be carried out according to a plan. Because, the planned job helps to improve performance. The experts like Gantt developed charts called 'Gantt Task Charts, to show how the small and small jobs can be planned and scheduled. The time schedule acts as a limiting factor within which a job to be performed.
Not only the man's movements were planned and scheduled, even the materials movement routes, paths, issue time, receiving time etc. were scheduled to increase the effective utilization. Without plan, nothing moves in the organisation, neither man nor material.

5. Repeated and monotonous jobs - In the workplace, men and machines were treated on par. The application of division of labour principle forces the same person to repeat the same job continuously. Man became machine to perform a job within the stipulated movements and time. This process made the people to feel bored, monotonous and drudgery.
The man's creativity, zeal, desire, self respect, satisfaction etc. were ill-treated by scientific management. He was very rudely treated on the job and never accepted the life outside the factory. Men commit mistakes when the same task is repeated by him.

6. Exploitation - Increasing the production was the main target of scientific management. In order to attain it, people were forced work with speed within the standard time. The standard time and standard wage were fixed on unscientific methods.
This resulted into exploitation of workers. The over emphasis on discipline at the work place becomes jail treatment to workers. The workers had no say in the management. This sort of exploitation was rejected by sociologist.

Critics of scientific management–
No one, even today, cannot simply reject the application of scientific methods to the problems of organisation. The scientific management indirectly threw light on what wrong would have happened had the human psychological feelings were not given due respect. The modern thinkers draw a thin lacuna and profounded their own sociological behavioural schools of thoughts.

Conclusion -
In total, the scientific management was totally entitled as an unscientific management. It was considered as anti-social. The managers acted as monopolist to workers. The planners were not doers and doers were never asked while planning, this created a big void between the two ends. It was unfortunate that the high rate performance was expected by forgetting the feeling of performer. 

Hence, it was declared as unpsychological. The psychological satisfaction was not given any consideration. Amidst these criticisms, the scientific management as a new way of thinking about management is highly appreciated. Their contribution towards systematic thinking is held high even today.

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