The period earlier to F.W. Taylor is termed as pre-scientific management stage. The symptoms of systematised thinking could be seen with all thinkers of this age. The changing social life. Industrial relations, economic objectives etc. forced the thinkers to frame their ideas in a specific form. The following contributions are termed as pre- scientific thinkers.


1. 1771-1858 Robert Owen -

   He is known as the promoter of co-operative and trade union movement in England. He introduced many social reforms and worked for the welfare of workers. His experience with textile mills in Scotland revealed that the performance of workers is influenced by the environment at workplace. By improving the working conditions, the results can be improved. The working conditions include basic infrastructures, physical resources and organisations should invest in it.

Robert Owen is known as the father of modern personnel management. He laid strong foundation for the behavioural approach to management.

2. 1770-1842 Robinson Boulton-  

   He is known for the application of market research, forecasting, production, planning, statistical records, cost accounting and welfare of personnel. This added to the new ways of thinking in the field of management.

3. 1792-1871 Charles Babbage-

   A British Mathematician wrote an essay on "The economy of Machinery and Manufactures" in 1832 and suggested to use science and mathematics to the operations of factories. His observations about the use of unscientific methods made him to think of application of mathematics. He invented a machine called ‘Differential Engine’ to calculate insurance premium and interest. The time and motion study was applied to improve machine performance. He laid the foundation for scientific study of management.

4. 1796-1848 James Watt Jr and Mathew Robinson Boulton-

   Both were sons of James Watt the inventor steam engine. Their involvement in the operation of Solo Engineering Foundry in Britain, made them to apply the following management techniques such as
  • Market research and Forecasting.
  • Planned plant layout for easy flow of work
  • Production planning.
  • Standardization of components and parts
  • Calculation of cost and profit.
  • Elaborate statistical records.
  • Welfare and sickness benefits to workers.

5. 1864-1920 - Max Webber –

   The major contribution of German Sociologist to the management arena is Bureaucratic model. He answered the major questions, why subordinates accept superiors authority. Based on his analysis, authority has been classified into charismatic, traditional and bureaucratic. According to Webber bureaucratic form is the efficient form of organization. Because in bureaucratic model, the organization is designed to receive flow of authority from the clearly defined set of rules, procedures and roles.

6. 1884-1924 H.R. Towne

   Being the president of Yaleand town business organisation, he combined the engineers and economists as industrial managers. The organised efforts can also be successful in the management workshop.

7. 1871-1954 S. Rowntree –

   He emphasized the need of labour welfare schemes in the improvement of industrial relations. The contributions of Rowntree remained as the source of inspiration for many research in the management.
   A part from the experts, the name of Henry Varnum Poor is also known for his ideas about systems approach, human factor and leadership in the management. He identified three important components in management namely organization, communication and information.
   Though these are termed as pre-scientific management thoughts, the experts opine that every contribution paved way for the organised systematic thought.

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