Levels of Management


An organization is a group activity with few common objectives, The various people working together cannot be placed on the same status. Because, the organization needs to be managed. In order to manage, there should be directing, authority and responsibility.
 Hence, there is a creation of levels or positions among the organizational Personnel. This hierarchy is called levels of management, Management believes in getting things done through others. So, there is a need to create positions with superior- subordinate relationship. The authority flows from superior to subordinate and responsibility in reverse way.

There are three levels of management namely,

  1. Top level management
  2. Middle level management
  3. Low level management

The following chart explains the three structure of the levels of management.

The structure creates different positions for all the people working in an organization. Each position is assigned with functions, authority and responsibility. The basic reason for such a demarcation is to fix the span of activities at each level. The following explanation is about the.
Functional areas of three levels

Top Management
Board of Directors
Chief Executives
Middle Management
Departmental Heads
Divisional Head
Sectional Heads

Lower OR Operative Management
Senior Supervisors
Intermediate Supervisors
Front Line Supervisors
Work Force

1. Top Management

The term Top indicates the 'apex' position in the arrangement. It is at the higher end of the pyramid structure. Top management consists of owners of company / organization. Board of Directors, Managing Directors, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager. The owners of the company are shareholders who contribute share capital. They are huge in number and cannot directly take part in management and day today activities.
Hence, they elect their representatives to manage the affairs of an organization called directors. They are collectively known as Board of Directors. They are responsible for planning, determining objectives, framing policies, decision making etc.
The Board of Directors elect one of them as Chairman. In order to regulate the day to day activities, the managing director and manager are appointed.

Carl Hayal says that, "the top management is the policy making group. responsible for the overall direction and success of company 's all activities.

Functions of Top Management
The following are the chief functions performed by top Level management;

a. Determining the Goals or Objectives: The basic purpose of establishing an organization is defined through its objectives.
They explain what an organization wishes to achieve. Usually the objectives are stated in the Memorandum of Association of Company. They include main and subordinating objectives. Objectives are to be specific and clear. The ultimate objective of business organization is wealth maximization.
The whole structure struggles for the attainment of pre-determined objectives. The objectives speak of the height of top management.

b. Framing the Policies: The ways and means to attain the objectives are stated through policies. They are the outcome of management decision relating to various functional areas.
For example: If the company needs a machinery, the financial policy of company spells whether to purchase it, lease it or go for installment purchase. Similarly the production, pricing, distribution, product policies are framed by management.

c. Setting up an Organizational Framework: The top management plans for a suitable organization to execute the plans. An organization means the group of men and material with design at roles. The duties, responsibilities, authority are allocated among various personnel. The total function of establishing relations is called organizing. It lays down the boundaries within which everyone has to perform.

d. Assembling Resources: The management pools the resources such as men, material, land, labour and capital through the use of resources. The management raises the money through issue of shares, debentures, banks, financial intermediaries. The physical resources are purchased according to the requirement of department.

e. Controlling: Finally, the top management is responsible to assess the performance of organization. The control over the activities is exercised through supervising staff. The actual performance of personnel is evaluated by comparing with the standards established.
Any variation between actual and standard is evaluated.
The reasons are traced and improvements are suggested. The supervisors act as a source of inspiration to the subordinates.


Control over organization is indirectly exercised by top management. The techniques used by it include budgeting, standard costing, accounting policies and statistical quality control.

2. Middle Management

It is in - between Top and Lower management. It includes all departmental heads, divisional and sectional officers, deputy and branch managers.
As linking officer, these are responsible for implementation of top management policies and plans.
The management expert M.C.Niles states that "Middle management is always functioning under pressure from three corners i.e., - from above by his chief in the top management with those ideas, policies and attitudes he must agree- from below by the supervisors who press for counsel, guidelines, decisions etc., and sideways by colleagues whose department or functions or activities are interrelated with his own”.

Among the various activities performed, the following are important One-

a. Execution of top management's plans, policies and objectives.
b. Keep ready the organizational setup to implement the policies.
c. Identification of suitable personnel to undertake and execute the responsibilities.
d. Co-ordination of various departments and sections of the organization.
e. To develop personnel to bear the responsibilities.
f. To motivate, build team spirit, to achieve higher productivity within the time and cost.
g. Collection of information, opinions from lower management and pass the same to top management.
h. Recommending to the top management on the referred issues based on their experiences.


The middle level management usually comprises of the active departments such as production, engineering, personnel, stores, accounts, finance, general administration, costing, sales etc. The goals are achieved by establishing harmony among departments.

3.Lower Management

At the lower end of pyramid is lower management. It is the level at which the goals are actively reached. It undertakes all basic activities It is broader in structure with number of work force. Lower management comprises foremen. Supervisor, sub-departmental executives, workers, clerks etc. The performance of organization depends upon the quality of work force as they actuate the plans and policies.

The following are the functions performed at the lower management.

a. Supervisors issue orders to workers to undertake the work.
b. Plan suitable policies, course of action, pathways to perform easily.
c. Responsible to organize the staff, guide, supervise and control.
d. Receive complaints and pass on to the middle management.
e. Maintaining discipline, harmonious relations, cool temperaments, group morale among the work force.

The organization of lower level is comparatively less complex than top management. The term lower level does not mean that it is less important. With a large span of people, it is the operational level of activities. It is important to note that the lower management implements all functions of management such as planning, organising, directing staffing, controlling.


In the success story of an organization. all the levels have an important role to play. Management is an organised force with different levels. There is a need of harmonious effort from the persons placed at all levels. Hence, the levels of management indicate the gradation of functions, authorities and responsibilities in the organization.

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