MANAGEMENT as an Art, Science AND Profession

 MANAGEMENT as an Art, Science AND Profession

There is a controversy about identifying management with art, science or profession. The experts opine that management is an old art and a modern science. It is an old art because the roots of management can be seen with the growth of civilization. And it is modern science as it has incorporated with principles explaining the cause and effect of an action.
The systematic performance of the same has forced to accept it as a profession. The following paragraphs explain about the management as an art, science or profession.


v Management is an Art

Management is an art of getting things done through others. Hence, the term art means the know-how' required to accomplish the desired result. This know how requires creative power and skill in performance. The thrust is on searching the ways of doing things. The skill required for the same is obtained from the constant practice of the theoretical concepts. The concepts have knowledge base. Like accountancy, engineering. medicine skills, management skill can be acquired through practice.
 It basically expects the application of knowledge to the practical business world. Because the management executives are not expected to depend luck and intuition. 

Therefore, management is called an art due to the following reasons-

  1. Management involves creativity
  2. Managerial personnel have skill in performance.
  3. The practice of management needs the sound theoretical knowledge.
  4. The principles of management are applied to manage the affairs of an organisation.
  5. The skill differs from individual to individual.

v Management is a Science

Science refers to a systematized body of knowledge. It explains about truth. cause and effect relationship. The relationship between two variables is explained through experiments. The ultimate object is to draw a set of principles. When this is applied to management, the process and practice of it is based on principles.

It has the following features:-

  1. It is a systematised body of knowledge.
  2. It uses scientific methods to observe.
  3. The management principles are based on continuous experiment and observation.
  4. The principles drawn are universally applicable to the similar situations.
Though the features of science are clearly visible with management, it cannot be equated with exact science or natural science.
In science, we can exactly prove that two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen form one molecule of water. Such things cannot happen in management due to the involvement of human factor. It acts as a limiting factor. Hence, management may be termed as an inexact science.

v Management is a Profession

In-depth knowledge of any subject is profession. The experts feel that the management is a profession. The management of an organisation needs the requisite knowledge and right mental ability.

The following features support to identify the management as a profession.

  1. Management has code of conduct.
  2. Management deals with honesty and integrity,
  3. The management professionals are governed by the organisation.
  4. Management has become a discipline of higher studies at the university level. There are number of institutions to train the management professionals.
  5. Management is a distinct function, which demands the academic and professional training.
  6. Growing business world expects the consultation services of ban professions.
 In general words, the management is an art, a science and a profession too. Management as a discipline has all the elements of science and art. The skill component is required to make use of principles of science. The management is performed by human beings, hence it cannot be regarded as a natural science. But its growth as a profession in recent years is worth noticing. It is mainly due to the growth of сoгрorate sector.
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