11+ Terms Used in Vouching


Que. 1. Define vouching.
Ans.: According to F. R. M. De Paula, Vouching does not mean merely the in spection of receipts with the cash book, but includes the examination of receipts with transactions of a business, together with documentary and other evidence of sufficient.

Que. 2. Define Voucher.
Ans.: The term voucher means documentary evidence supporting book entries is called voucher. It may be an acknowledgement either for cash received or cash paid, pay on slip book for bank deposits, or cheques issued for payments, wage bill or salary bill for wages or salary paid during the period under review are the examples of vouchers.

types of voucher
Types of Voucher:4 

Que. 3. What are the types of vouchers?
Ans.: 1. Primary Vouchers. 2. Collateral or Secondary Vouchers. 3. Adequacy
and Reliability of Voucher.

Que. 4. What is Collateral or Secondary Vouchers?
Ans.: In case, the primary vouchers are not available, or available but not satisfactory requiring further clarification other documentary evidences supporting book entries are called collateral or secondary vouchers. For Ex. Cash memo for payment in cash or by cheques is a primary voucher, in case of need a carbon copy of cash memo or counter folio of cheques issued are the examples of collateral or secondary vouchers.

Que. 5. What is Primary Voucher? Give example.
Ans.: Original documentary evidences like cash memo for cash receipts or payments, purchase or sales invoice for purpose and sale pay in slip book for bank deposits, cheques issued for payments or the documentary evidences supporting transactions are the examples of primary vouchers.

Que. 6. What is mean by Vouching of Outstanding Assets?
Ans.: Incomes earned but not received or expenses paid but no service is consumed are called outstanding assets. Unless all outstanding assets are correctly adjusted in preparation of final accounts auditor cannot certify the profit and loss account showing true results and balance sheet reflecting true financial position of client business.

Que. 7. What are the two types of Vouching of Outstanding Assets?
Ans.: 1.Prepaid Expenses or Unexpected expenses.
2. Accrued or Outstanding Incomes.

Que. 8. What the General principles of Vouching Cashbook.
Ans.: 1. Great degree of care and caution: Vouchers forms base for confirming the correctness of books entries. A high degree of care and caution is to be applied in determining the authentically and acceptability of evidence.
   2.Arrangements of Vouchers: Ensure that all vouchers have been arranged in order of serial number and tide up properly.
   3. Voucher Number : The entries in the books of accounts should bear the same number as it appear on the voucher.

Que. 9. What are the types of Ledgers?
Ans.: Ledgers have been grouped into three, they are-
  1. Bought Ledger or purchase ledger or creditors ledger, which covers the ledger accounts of all suppliers or creditors who have supplied goods on credit to our business
  2. Sold Ledger or sales ledger. or debtor's ledger, which covers all personal accounts of customers to whom the business has sold goods on credit
  3. General Ledger or impersonal ledger, which covers all ledgers, accounts except creditors and debtors ledgers.

Que. 10. What do you mean by outstanding Expenses or Unpaid Expenses?
Ans. Expenses incurred but not paid services consumed for which service charges have not been paid at the end of the year are called outstanding expenses or unpaid expenses. For ex. wages and salary for the last month, rent rates and taxes of the last month, outstanding commission, outstanding interest on debentures etc,

Que. 11. What do you mean by outstanding income?
Ans.: Incomes earned but not received are called accrued incomes or outstanding incomes. Ex. interest accrued but not received, rent accrued but not received, commission earned but not received are the examples of accrued or outstanding incomes.

Que. 12. What is cut off point in auditing?
Ans.: The term "cut-off point" refers to the point of time at which the transactions of the trading year comes to an end. Number of times it is found that transactions at the beginning and transactions at the end are included in the same year which is not correct. Therefore it should be seen that at what point of time the transactions of the current year comes to an end.

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