21+ Terms relating to Audit

Basic terms in auditing

Que. 1. Define auditing.
Ans.: Originally audit means to hear. The term audit is derived from Latin word ‘Audire’ which means to hear. In the primitive stages of audit and expert persons or persons with high calibers are entrusted with hearing the accounts from accountants and express their opinion on correctness of accounts.

Que. 2. State the Prime object of audit.
Ans.: The prime object of audit was to ensure the correct accounting of cash receipts and payments there by ensure that no cash has been embezzled.

Que. 3. What is error?
Ans.: Mistakes committed by persons in charge of writing books of accounts in recording day-to-day transactions are called errors. Any mistakes occurring in the process of recording business transactions are called errors.

Que. 4. Name the types of errors.
Ans.: 1. Technical or Clerical errors.
2. Errors of principle.
3. Compensating Error.
4. Compensating Errors.

Que. 5. What is fraud?
Ans.: Fraud means false material representation or false entry made with prior knowledge of its falsity or without belief in its truth with a view to defraud somebody. It is purposeful misrepresentation or deliberate concealment of a material fact with a view to deceive, cheat or misled somebody.

Que. 6. What is manipulation of accounts?
Ans.: Accounts are being manipulated by persons at the helm of affairs. The board of directors may manipulate the accounts to show either more profit or to show less profit or to show the financial position much better than actual position.

Que. 7. What are principles of errors?
Ans.: Principles of errors means.-recording transaction against the fundamental principles accounting are called errors of principle.

Que. 8. What do you mean by duplicating errors?
Ans.: If the same transaction has been recorded twice it is called a duplicating error.

Que. 9. What do you mean by compensating errors?
Ans.: Errors occurred at two places balancing one another are called compensating errors.

Que. 10. How cash is misappropriated?
Ans.: Cash is the main source around which all activities are rotated It is the human tendency to misuse the opportunities available. All those involved in handling cash in big business houses may take an undue use of their position and misappropriate the cash.
The cash may be appropriate in any of the following ways-
  1. Omitting to enter the receipts.
  2. Receiving more but recording less.

Que. 11. What is Errors of Omission?
Ans.: Errors committed by omitting to record the transactions taken place to business are called errors of omission.

Que. 12. Give two differences between book keeping and accounting.
Ans.: Book keeping- 1) It is concerned with recording of business transactions.
2) Scope is limited to recording day-to-day business transactions.
Accounting- 1) It is a science providing principles of book- keeping
2) It is concerned with preparation of final accounts.

Que. 13. Give two differences between accounting and auditing.
Ans.: Accounting: 1) It aims is represent the trading results and financial position of business.
2) It is involves the preparation of trial balance, profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.
Auditing: 1) It aims to ensure the accuracy authenticity reliability and acceptability of accounts.
2) It is not concerned with analytical and critical examination of books of accounts and financial statements so as to confirm the true and fair position of business.

Que. 14. What is the object of statutory audit?
Ans.: Statutory auditor must be a chartered accountant, where as in case of private audit the auditor need not be a chartered accountant.

Que. 15. What is Internal Audit?
Ans.: An audit conducted by a separate audit department in charge of an experienced professional supported by assistants is called an internal audit.

Que. 16. What is External Audit?
Ans.: An auditor appointed by Joint stock companies to conduct an independent audit is called an external audit.


Que. 17. What is interim Audit?
Ans.: An audit conducted in between two annual audits is called an interim audit. An audit conducted with an object of preparing interim report and declaration of interim dividend. Interim audit is quite essential for the companies required announcing their quarterly progress report to share holder and the potential investing public.

Que. 18. What is Cash Audit?
Ans.: It is an example of partial audit. An audit conducted with the sole object of confirming the correct accounting for all receipts and payments is called cash audit.

Que. 19. What is Management Audit?
Ans.: Review of managerial performance in attaining higher order of organizational performance in materialising organizational vision, mission, goals and objectives is called as management audit. Management audit has a vital role in transforming corporate goals into corporate performance.

Que. 20. What Special Audit?
Ans.: An audit conducted under Section 233 A of Companies Act, is called a special audit.

Que. 21. What Standard Audit?
Ans.: An audit conducted as per the predetermined standard of auditing practices so as to draw a fair inferences from the books of accounts, supporting documentary evidences and information furnished with regards to reliability and acceptability of financial statement is called a standard audit.

Que. 22. What is Balance Sheet?
Ans.: Audit begins with balance sheet items, covering all transactions effecting balance sheet items and ending with expression of expert opinion on balance sheet is called a balance sheet audit.
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