Management is what a manager does. This statement signifies the functions performed by a manager. It is the sum of what a manager does in an organization.
According to Henry Fayol; “in every organization manager performs certain basic functions in order to achieve results. These functions may be broadly classified into four categories. Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling”.
 The management thinkers have expressed their distinct views about the functions performed by managers or management.
In the modern business organization, all of the above functions are performed either directly or indirectly. Hence, the following Paragraphs explain the most common- functions performed by a manager.

What are the functions of management?
Showing the Planning Process


1. Planning-

It is related to thinking about future course of action. It is concerned with preparation of an organization for future uncertain period. It defines objectives, policies, procedures, and methods, strategies, adopted by the organization to attain the goals. It is a process, incorporating the many sub-activities such as setting goals, developing premises, determination of alternative plans and selecting plan.
 There are different types of plans such as operational, proactive, reactive, formal, informal, functional and corporate planning. Planning is usually the function performed by top management. The basic features of planning are a continuous activity pervasive, flexible and a fundamental activity.

2. Organizing-

The term organization denotes the men and materials with defined roles and relations. It is a process or an activity of identifying the work to be performed, defining authority and responsibility and establishing relationships".
Organization is a means through which goals are achieved. It facilitates administration, growth and diversification. Optimum utilization of resources and stimulates creativity. There are different types of organization such as line, line and staff, committee etc.

3. Staffing-

Mere material resources are not sufficient to attain the objectives. The human element is required to make use of physical resources. The staffing function of management deals with human resources.
The term staffing indicates the recruitment, selection, training, development of the different personnel needed at the various levels of organization.
It is a scientific process through which human force is developed in the organization. A separate department is functioning called Human Resources Department. Its duties are planning the personnel, welfare, promotion, Transfer, wage rate fixation, penalties etc. An organization is called a 'living organism' due to the human element. A well built organisation by human resources is an asset to every management.

4. Directing-

The mere assembly of men and material resources does not perform anything in the organization. They are to be guided about what, when, who and how aspect of the work. Directing is showing the way to perform an activity.
Directing is called management in action. Because, the planning, organizing, staffing are theoretical part of organization. The motivating factor is directing. Unless the army commander who is the chief directs the army, the unit remains silent with all preparations.
The directions are provided through orders, instructions, guidelines, commands, notice, circulars to the concerned parties. It leads the people towards the accomplishment of goals. It is a connecting link between preparatory managerial functions and its actions.

5. Communicating-

                It is an important function performed by the management. It is basic for interactions. The term communication has been derived from  Latin word 'communis' which means common. If means sharing of ideas.
It is a process of passing information from one person to other person in an organization. In the organization the information may flow upward, downward, horizontal and diagonal. Usually oral communication is less preferred than the written.
The modern management concept of Management Information System(MIS) basically depends upon the communication system. The communication brings many more advantages to organization. The orders and commands are to be issued by superiors to subordinates and the doubts and opinions should reach the superiors, both are carried through the process of communication.
It integrates all departments of an enterprise. The organization's interpersonal relations are improved through an effective communication.

6. Co-ordinating-

The organization is a system of sub-systems. The management creates different sections and department to smoothen its functioning. But all the subsystems should work together to attain the objectives. This calls for coordinating function of management.
To co-ordinate means to establish a proper relationship among the departments and individuals in the working environment. Neither an individual nor a department alone, cannot do anything unless it is supported by others.
It is done through allocation of authority, responsibility, powers to each concerned person. Co-ordination is improved through the harmonious relationship, understanding and clear cut definition of scope. A sense of common objectives is created in the minds of staff.

7. Controlling-

It is usually understood as the last function of management but not least. According to EFL Breach Control means "Checking current performance against predetermined standards contained in the plans with a view to ensuring adequate progress and satisfactory performance".
It is a continuous activity undertaken at every step of implementing of plans. It compares actual performance with standards and deviations are corrected immediately. It is a forward looking activity with a vision to improve future performance.
The control is established through establishment of standards, measurement of performance, comparison and taking corrective actions.

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