The important area of Henry Fayol's contribution is management principles. His trust is that, these principles need not be restricted to business organisation but even to political, social, economic, religious, philanthropically areas too.
Principles of management
General Principles of management

There are fourteen principles-
I. Division of work: The work should be divided among persons based on their specialization. One man one work at a time. All works cannot be handed over to a Single man. It expects specialist to handle a special job in all areas.

ii. Priority: The authority and responsibilities of persons are to be balanced. It means they should be matched to each other. But, in no case, authority without responsibility or vice versa should be practiced in an organisation. Both are dangerous. But in reality people expect more authority but less of responsibility. It should not happen. Both should go hand in hand.

iii. Discipline: The obedience to rules and regulations is discipline. All the levels of management, adherence to set practices should be followed by personnel. Contrary to this, penalties are to be just and impartial.

iv. Unity of command: The orders and directions are to be issued by superior to subordinates. The order should come from the defined source.

v. Unity of direction: The direction to the group activities must be provided by one ‘head with one plan. Without unity of direction, unity of action, co-ordination of strength and focusing of effort cannot be achieved.

vi. Subordination of individual interest to general interest: The organizational objectives are to be collectively achieved by individuals. The individual interest should go hand in hand with organisational interest.

vii. Remuneration: The rewards paid to workers should be reasonable and rational. The method should promote efficient worker with fair return.

viii. Centralization: The authority and necessary powers should be concentrated at top level management. The degree of concentration depends upon the nature of organisation and situation.

ix. Scalar Chain: The flow of command should be from superiors to subordinates. The line of authority is defined.

x. Order: The order principle says that there should be the right man in the right job and right material in the right place. Everything and men be placed in the right order.

xi. Equity: The worker should perform his duties with loyalty. The management should treat men with humanity and kindness.

xii. Stability: The workers turnover or change in work force should be kept minimum. The stable work force builds an attachment to organisation.

xiii. Initiative: The employees are to be allowed to take part in deciding and implementing the plans. They should be motivated to take lead.

xiv. Esprit de Corps: There should be mutual understanding and harmony among the members of an organisation.

Thus, the three fold contribution of H. Fayol had enriched the scientific management.  Along with the principles, Fayol also lists the qualities required to be possessed by a manager. The manager should bear physical, moral, educational, technical qualities along with the rich experience in the respective field.
            The highly appreciated point is that, the H. Fayol's principles are universally applicable. His management principles are not restricted to business organisations but can be applied to social, economical, political, religious organisation. Because in all the organisations the functions remain the same.

The Fayol's theory is superior in the growth of management ideology because of the following factors.
  • Universally applicable principles.
  • Concentration on the functions of Top management.
  • A general administrative theory which can be universally applied
  • Fayol is the father of principles of management.
  • An added value to scientific management ideology.

As the students of business management, it is much essential have glance and deep understanding of the concepts relating to management along with the general view of its functions, principles, scope etc. No organization can achieve success and excellence without adoption and implementation of all the functions and principles of management in the true spirit. Therefore, this introductory unit has opened up the gate-way of further detailed aspects to be covered in subsequent units.
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