Frederick Winslow Taylor

Frederick Winslow Taylor, USA (1856-1915)
Founder of scientific management
F.W. Taylor

F.W. Taylor is the founder of scientific management. He is known as the father of scientific management. He joined as an apprentice mechanic at the Crampt Shipyard in Philadelphia to begin his career. After three years, he joined Midvale Steel and worked as an ordinary labour. He was promoted as Gang Boss after two years and as the Chief Engineer after four years. Afterwards he joined the Beth-eham Steel Company in 1898. After his retirement, he worked as a consultant and specialist in shop management.
By virtue of his experience in different capacities, he found that –
  • Production methods in most of the organisations were not planned properly i.e. production planning was not done.
  • The tools and equipments used for the production were insufficient
           I.e. less number of tools was found in the production process.
  • The working methods were unscientific and haphazard.
  • The traditional rule of thumb was practiced.

In order to overcome these problems, Taylor conducted number of scientific investigations and researches. He came to know that, there is a science to do a particular work. Unless the science is applied work cannot be performed systematically. He declared that, there is always a 'one best way' of doing a job. It should be chosen by selecting among the various alternatives.
Taylor wrote number of books on management, such as; Shop Management, Principles of Scientific Management, and Piece Rate systematic.

According to Taylor, the following are the elements of management are-

1. Determination of Work:- It specifics the work to be performed by a worker in a particular day. It is determined by conducting following studies.
What is method study?
A. Method study - It involves the work measurement and work improvement. It is a preliminary survey of condition of production method, the adverse conditions are removed and best ones are retained.

What is Routing?
B. Routing- It is the sequence of operations. It fixes where the work will be done.

What is motion study?
C. Motion study - It fixes the movements to be performed by a man and machines. It also avoids unnecessary movements and arranges all the activities in a standard sequence.

What is time study?
d. Time study- The standard time required to complete a job is scientifically fixed. Every machine or man has to complete the task within the stipulated time. Based on this time, time rate will be fixed.

What is Fatigue study?
e. Fatigue study- It suggests the rest to be given to workers in between the work. The rest time and duration are also fixed.

What us Rate setting?
f. Rate setting - The wage is fixed on the basis of standard output. The incentive is given to those who produce more than standard output and those who are below standard are punished with lower rate.

2. Production Planning
- The production is carried on with a systematic planning. As a plan, it answers to the four questions.
What to do?
How to do?
Where to do?
When to do?

3. Scientific Selection- once the product and methods are finalized the suitable work force should be selected. The proper selection of work force is done with the help of attitude, aptitude test and experience. In this process the help of psychologists and engineers is obtained, ideally selected workers are imbibed with the required qualities under the training process. The training is planned to suit the needs of job and workers.

4. Improvements in Work Methods- The working conditions are to be improved. They include standardisation of tools, equipment, process, conditions, material movements, speed of the work etc. The improvement in working conditions automatically improves the results.

5. Functional Foremanship- The whole organisation should be reorganized. The worker is supposed to work under functional specialist. There are eight specialists to guide each worker
 They are -
Route Clerk: He fixes the route map for each worker. Each worker is guided about the chronological order of the job.

Instruction Card Clerk: He instructs about the methods doing job.

Time and Cost Clerk: The worker is guided about the time allowed to each job and reward fixed.

Gang Boss: He instructs about the preparations needed for the job.

Speed Boss: The required speed for the men and machines is supervised by the speed boss.

Repair Boss: The spot repair work is undertaken by this expert. The minor repairs should not affect the speed of the Job.

Inspector: A continuous quality checking is done by the inspector. Any variations are noted immediately and corrected.

Shop Disciplinarian: The discipline required in the work place among the worker is checked by disciplinarian.

6. Mental Revolution- The presence of mind is very much required. According to F.W. Taylor, it is the mental revolution. The mind setup of both worker and owner should synchronies (alike) each other. There should be a perfect understanding, co- operation, coordination towards the work. They should not suspect each other. Both the parties should be of same attitude.

Your Friend,
Shaikh Md. Sohail

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