Importance of Internal Controls

Importance of Internal Controls. Internal control  is like a brain in the human body. Internal check and internal audit are equal to si...
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INTERNAL CHECK AS REGARDS MAIL ORDER AND SALES RETURNS Que 1: Describe the Internal Check as Regards Mail Order Business. Ans: In c...
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Internal Check as Regards Wages

Internal Check as Regards Wages. In case of Labour oriented industries where the industries employees’ large number of labourers, payme...
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Advantages of Internal control to the Business and Auditor

Advantages of Internal control to the Business and  Auditor Internal control is like a brain in the human body. Internal check and int...
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Internal check as credit purchase and purchase returns

Internal Check Que 1: Narrate Internal Check as Regards Purchase Returns. Ans: Purchases returns acknowledged by suppliers may be ...
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Objectives and disadvantages of internal check

  Internal Check  Internal Check: Internal check is a system under which the accounting methods and details of an establishment are so...
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Objectives of auditing

Auditing and its Objectives  Originally audit means to hear. The term audit is derived from Latin word ‘audire' which means to hear...
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